The Philippine Youth Development Plan 2017-2022

The Philippine Youth Development Plan (PYDP) enjoins all state duty bearers at the national and local levels to maximize the participation of the youth in nation-building as responsible and proactive citizens. It informs our development partners such as civil society and non-government organizations, international and national donors, the Church, media, and the business community of the rewarding social, economic, and ethical opportunities of fully engaging the youth in their respective programs. The National Youth Commission (NYC), in the pursuit of its mandate as the “sole policy-making coordinating body of all youth-related institutions, programs, projects and activities (PPAs) of the government” (Republic Act 8044), is the main proponent of the PYDP.

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:Other Philippine Publications
Subject:National Youth Commission, Youth Development, Nation Building
Author:National Youth Commission
Publisher:National Youth Commission
Publication Date:2017

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