Integrating Gender into Community-Based Disaster Risk Management

The “Integrating Gender into Community Based Disaster Risk Management Training Manual” is one of the key outputs of the CBDRM Training and Learning Circle – Philippines for 2008 – 2009. It represents the collaborative efforts of individuals and organizations from the CBDRM and gender communities who have generously given their time and expertise to mainstream both the community-based approach and the gender perspective in disaster risk management sector.

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:Other Philippine Publications
Subject:Community-Based Disaster Risk Management, Gender, Gender Mainstreaming
Authors:Community-Based Disaster Risk Management Training and Learning Circle-Philippines
Center for Disaster Preparedness
All India Disaster Mitigation Institute
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
ProVention Consortium
Special Unit for South-South Cooperation in UNDP
Publisher:Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) Training and Learning Circle-Philippines
Publication Date:2010

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