2020 GAD Webinar Series

The conduct of GAD Webinars is aligned with the National GAD Resource Program‘s (NGRP) vision to create an accessible, innovative and informative platform to increase awareness and knowledge of policymakers, public officers, and gender trainers on GAD mainstreaming.

The GAD Webinar is also PCW’s Technical Assistance (TA) strategy to address the need for direct TA to several requesting agencies. This approach reduces the demand for face-to-face TA given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It also enables the learners to complete the GAD modules within the safety of their homes and offices.

Asset Type:Video
Collection:Philippine Commission on Women
Subject:Gender, Gender Mainstreaming, Gender and Development, GAD, Gender Analysis, GAD Planning and Budgeting, GAD Agenda, GAD Funds Audit
Creator:Philippine Commission on Women
Publisher:Philippine Commission on Women
Publication Date:2020

S01: Introduction GAD Concepts SOGIESC
S02: Fundamentals of Gender Mainstreaming: Review of Policy Imperatives on GAD and GM Concepts
S03: Gender Analysis – Tools and Praxis

S04: Beyond Attribution-Use of the HGDG to Mainstream GAD Elements in the Project Development Cycle
S05: GAD Planning and Budgeting: From Preparation to GAD Funds Audit
S06 – The GAD Agenda: Formulating the GAD Strategic Framework and GAD Strategic Plan

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