Workplace Gender Equality and Sustainability: Philippines

The Workplace Gender Equality and Sustainability Reporting by PhilWEN, PBCWE, IIWAA, UNWomen, and WEA highlights the compliance of the Top 30 Publicly-Listed Companies (PLCs) in the Philippines with the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as other internationally recognized reporting frameworks. The analysis identifies successful approaches that should be promoted more broadly in the private sector and apparent gaps in policy frameworks and data reporting that need addressing to improve WGE outcomes among these leaders.

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:Other Philippine Publications
Subject:Workplace, Gender equality, Sustainability, Reports, Philippines, Public-Listed Companies, PhilWEN, PBCWE, IIW, UNWomen, WEA, EU
Authors:Ma. Aurora Geotina-Garcia, Julia Abad, Antoinette Santos, Erika Mayoni
Publishers:Philippine Women’s Economic Network (PWEN)
Philippine Business Coalition for Women Empowerment (PBCWE)
Investing in Women
WeEmpower Asia
UN Women
European Union
Publication Date:2021

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