GAD Tools and Frameworks

PCW Annual Accomplishment Report 2020

The PCW Accomplishment Report presents the accomplishments and activities of the Philippine Commission on Women in 2020. They are anchored on the Commission’s two primary final outputs: (1) provision of policy services on gender and development (GAD) and (2) provision of GAD technical advisory services. They are also lodged under the Women’s Empowerment and Gender …

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PCW Annual Accomplishment Report 2019

The PCW Accomplishment Report presents the accomplishments and activities of the Philippine Commission on Women in 2019. They are anchored on the Commission’s two primary final outputs: (1) provision of policy services on gender and development (GAD) and (2) provision of GAD technical advisory services. They are also lodged under the Women’s Empowerment and Gender …

PCW Annual Accomplishment Report 2019 Read More »

Gender Responsive LGU (GeRL) Assessment Tool Instructional Video

This is a video tutorial of the tool containing a set of relevant indicators to measure the various aspects of gender-responsive local governance. It also measures the extent on which a local government unit provides quality services and facilities for its female and male residents, especially from the marginalized sectors, which are gender-sensitive, accessible, affordable, …

Gender Responsive LGU (GeRL) Assessment Tool Instructional Video Read More »

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