GAD Tools and Frameworks

PCW Annual Accomplishment Report 2011

The PCW Accomplishment Report presents the accomplishments and activities of the Philippine Commission on Women in 2011. They are anchored on the Commission’s three primary final outputs: (1) gender and development (GAD) policy development and advocacy and (2) technical assistance and capacity building on gender mainstreaming, (3) GAD monitoring and evaluation. They are also lodged …

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PCW Annual Accomplishment Report 2010

The PCW Accomplishment Report presents the accomplishments and activities of the Philippine Commission on Women in 2010. They are anchored on the Commission’s three primary final outputs: (1) gender and development (GAD) policy development and advocacy and (2) technical assistance and capacity building on gender mainstreaming, (3) GAD monitoring and evaluation. They are also lodged …

PCW Annual Accomplishment Report 2010 Read More »

PCW Annual Accomplishment Report 2009

The PCW Accomplishment Report presents the accomplishments and activities of the Philippine Commission on Women in 2009. They are anchored on the Commission’s three primary final outputs: (1) gender and development (GAD) policy development and advocacy and (2) technical assistance and capacity building on gender mainstreaming, (3) GAD monitoring and evaluation. They are also lodged …

PCW Annual Accomplishment Report 2009 Read More »

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