State of the World’s Fathers 2023: Centering Care in a World in Crisis

The State of the World’s Fathers 2023 (SOWF 2023) report reveals that thousands of women and men across the world are calling for care to be central to their lives, which can only be addressed by a fundamental overhaul of power structures, policies, and social norms around both paid and unpaid care work.

The SOWF 2023 report also reveals several promising examples of successful care policies and programs worldwide. It proposes a series of recommendations for urgent structural action, following the acronym CARING in English, CUIDAR in Spanish, and SOIGNER in French.

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:Foreign Publications
Subject:Gender, Gender Mainstreaming, Gender and Development, Gender Equality, Social Development, Unpaid Work, Economic Development
Author:Nikki van der Gaag, Taveeshi Gupta, Brian Heilman, Gary Barker, Wessel van den Berg
Publisher:Equimundo – Center for Masculinities and Social Justice
Publication Date:2023

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