Mainstreaming Gender within Local Government Climate and Disaster Risk Assessments: A Review of Methodology and Practice in the Philippines

This paper presents findings of an in-depth gender review of the toolkit and processes utilized by LGUs in the Philippines to conduct CDRAs. It is comprised of a systematic document review of the toolkit available, particularly the CLUP Guidebook: Supplemental Guidelines on Mainstreaming Climate Change and Disaster Risks in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan (hereafter referred to as the CLUP Guidebook – or simply Guidebook), alongside insights from a series of open-ended qualitative interviews with four key informants. We conclude with a series of practical recommendations to GIZ and the Government of the Philippines (GoP) to strengthen gender mainstreaming in CDRA planning in the Philippines.

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:International Organizations Publications
Subject:Disaster Risk Assessment, Gender Mainstreaming, Local Government Climate
Authors:McGinn, Collin
Kanmani for Deutsche Geselleschaft Zusammenarbeit
Publisher:German Cooperation Deutche Zusammenarbeit
Publication Date:2020

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