Internet intermediaries and violence against women online Twitter: A case study

This profile is part of a short study of the policies of three major internet intermediaries, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, with respect to violence against women online. The study aims to map the corporate policies of these intermediaries that allow for the identification, reporting and rectification of incidents of harassment or violence against women via the service that the intermediary provides. In addition to providing a detailed summary of the user policies relevant to this issue, the study also compares the impact and effectiveness of those policies against the framework of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The study was conducted on the basis of desk research and an analysis of corporate policies and terms of service, and interviews with representatives of the intermediaries. However, YouTube was the only company out of the three to agree to an interview with the researchers.

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:International Organizations Publications
Subject:Violence Against Women, VAW, Human Rights, Twitter
Author:Carl Nyst
Publisher:Association for Progressive Communications
Publication Date:July 2014

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