Human Trafficking: The Unspoken Words

VAW: The Unspoken Words is a collection of short films featuring free-verse poetry and images expounding various forms of Violence Against Women or VAW. The collection is intended to become a springboard for discussing the realities and complexities of VAW which to this date, still often go unnoticed, if not trivialized or dismissed. The 2nd set of videos were released by the PCW in 2018, during the 18-Day Campaign to End VAW.

Human Trafficking is a story of a young woman who grew up in a poor rural community, hoping that someday, she will be able to get her family out of poverty. Lured by false promises of wealth and comfort, she left her hometown and decided to work in a foreign country. Far from what has promised, the young woman didn’t become an office worker nor a caregiver abroad but a slave in a cybersex den in Manila.

Asset Type:Video
Collection:Philippine Commission on Women
Subject:Gender-Based Violence, Violence Against Women, Republic Act 9208, Republic Act 10364, Trafficking in Persons
Creator:Philippine Commission on Women
Publisher:Philippine Commission on Women
Publication Date:November 25, 2018

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