“Hillary Clinton is the Only Man in the Obama Administration”: Dual Character, Concepts, Generics and Gender

This article tells about the remark in 2010 about Hilary Clinton as the “only man in the Obama administration.” It states that the speaker managed to derogate both the male members of the administration by deeming them not to be men, and Hillary Clinton by deeming her to be a man, and thus not really a woman. The comment further demeans women in general, associating them with undesirable features such as passivity and weakness—yet at the same time, it cautions women against rejecting these features, lest they end up like the mannish Hillary Clinton.

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:Foreign Publications
Subject:Women, Gender, Generics, Prejudice
Author:Sarah‐Jane Leslie
Publisher:Wiley Online Library
Publication Date:June 2014

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