HerStory: Facilitating Participatory Disaster Risk Assessment to the Single Mothers of Flood-prone Sub-urban Poor Resettlement Housing in the Philippines

This article summarizes the major findings of the participatory risk assessment of single mothers of Phase 1k, Kasiglahan Village, Rodriguez, Rizal. Using Participatory Capacities and Vulnerabilities Assessment (PCVA), single mothers gauged their vulnerabilities, capacities and exposure to the hazards in their community. With this, HerStory responds to the challenges of previous studies on disaster risk reduction to have a participatory, inclusive, gender-sensitive and pro-poor perspective in understanding disaster risk. The study was able to provide space and venue to the single mothers to share their own experiences in their own voice.

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:Foreign Publications
Subject:Vulnerabilities, Capacities, Exposure to the hazards, Participatory Risk Assessment, Gender-sensitive, Pro-poor
Authors:A. Romero, I. Oponda, L. Saju, A. Octobre, L. Mondano, L. Palero, R. Borres, E. PiƱero, S. Perante, E. Sibal, M. Degumbis, J. Cortes, Y. Javier, N. Bernal and L. Daang
Publisher:IOP Publishing
Publication Date:2019

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