GREAT Women Project: Infusing Gender and Entrepreneurship in Tech-Voc Education: Results of Partnership Between the Philippine Commission on Women and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority-Women’s Center

This case study shares the results of GREAT Women Project interventions in the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), specifically its Women’s Center (WC). Through the project, TESDA-WC ensured the mainstreaming of gender and entrepreneurship in their technical-vocational education and training (TVET) curriculum and materials and built a core of trainers to train others in the use of these materials. TESDA likewise mainstreamed gender in its organization through institutionalizing sex disaggregation of data and the application of their project learnings in other projects of the agency.

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:Philippine Commission on Women
Subject:GREAT Women Project, Gender Mainstreaming, Women Economic Empowerment
Author:GREAT Women Project Management Office
Publisher:Philippine Commission on Women
Publication Date:March 2013

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