Gender Mainstreaming in the Philippines: Are the Institutional Mechanisms in Place and Functional?

As the primary policy-making and coordinating body of women and gender and equality concerns, and the overall monitor and oversight to ensure the implementation of the MCW, the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) conducts this research-based analysis on the efficacy of the statutory requirements, structures, processes, and measures comprising the institutional mechanisms nearly ten years since the enactment of the Act. This study seeks to determine how far gender mainstreaming has been implemented. To begin with, the study seeks to identify what institutional mechanisms have been laid down in the government agencies to make gender mainstreaming happen.

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:Philippine Commission on Women
Subject:Gender mainstreaming, Philippines, Institutional mechanism, PCW, Magna Carta on Women, MCW, Research study, RA 9710
Author:Philippine Commission on Women
Publisher:Philippine Commission on Women
Publication Date:December 2019

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