Gender-Fair Media Guidebook (Revised Edition)

The Media Gender Equality Committee recognizes that gender inequality in media practice is an issue that is bigger than the Committee. In 2013, the Committee launched the Towards a Gender-Fair Media Guidelines, an attempt to create positive impact towards gender issue in the media. However, the challenge of raising awareness on gender-fair practice among media practitioners remains.

This book is the next major step in that process of learning and changing. It is also a gateway to a more dynamic engagement between the Committee and media partners. Furthermore, it sets off to a journey towards a Philippine media that celebrates all women and men, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression.

The structure of this kit acknowledges that gender-fairness is not something that can be picked up from a book or learned overnight. It is cultivated. It begins with understanding the context of the gender issues that we wish to address; using this understanding to self-check and change one’s practice; and ultimately culminates in producing content that equalizes and empowers both women and men. It is also designed to serve as a practical reference for the media as they start off the process of changing their perception of gender in the media, recalibrating their practice so they don’t perpetuate gender discrimination, and consciously producing media content that brings women’s issues to the fore of national consciousness.

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:Philippine Commission on Women
Subject:Gender-Fair Media, Gender-Fair Language, Gender Equality
Authors:Philippine Commission on Women
Media and Gender Equality Committee
Publisher:Philippine Commission on Women
Publication Date:December 2017

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