Enhanced Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework: Handbook and Toolkit

The Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF) is a tool to measure the extent of the gender mainstreaming efforts of an organization, both national government agencies, and local government units. It is developed to assist the Gender and Development Focal Point System members in measuring the organization’s gains and successes, as well as to pinpoint the areas for improvement considering the gender and development mainstream perspectives of the respective organization.

The updating of the GMEF tool started in 2014 to address users’ comments to consider new and emerging gender issues, new policy issuances (especially the Magna Carta of Women), and the need to revise outdated indicators in the old tool.

This Enhanced GMEF is used as reference indicators from Participatory Gender Audit (PAG) and Gender Impact Assessment as well as the relevant descriptors of the GMEF Version 2001. It also adopted the scoring of the Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) of “no,” “partly yes,” and “yes” instead of denoting only the absence or presence of a GAD element.

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:Philippine Commission on Women
Subject:Gender Mainstreaming, Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework, GAD mainstreaming
Author:Philippine Commission on Women
Publisher:Philippine Commission on Women
Publication Date:2016

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