Country Profile: On Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health: Philippines

This country profile is developed by the Likhaan Center for Women’s Health of the Philippines, as part of the initiative, “Strengthening the Networking, Knowledge Management and Advocacy Capacities of an Asia-Pacific Network for SRHR,” with the assistance of the European Union. This project is being implemented in the Philippines by Likhaan, in partnership with the Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women. Countries covered by the initiative are Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Maldives, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Material Type:Publications
Collection:Other Philippine Publications
Subject:Sexual and Reproductive Health, Access to Reproductive Health
Authors:Junice L.D. Melgar
Alfredo R. Melgar
Joy Salbado
Publishers:Likhaan: Center for Women’s Health
Arrow: Asian Pacific Resource and Research Center for Women
Year of Publication:2015

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