Disaster Risk Reduction

How Can Promoting Women’s Participation (And Agency) And Responding to Their Needs Improve Disaster Risk Reduction? Case from Post-Disaster Reconstruction (Operations and Measures) in the Philippines and Sri Lanka

For gender-responsive disaster risk reduction (DRR), the most essential step to be taken might be the translation of DRR into an opportunity to transform unequal gender relations which are root causes of women’s vulnerability and exclude them from decision-making processes for DRR. Women and other marginalized groups of people are often regarded as more vulnerable …

How Can Promoting Women’s Participation (And Agency) And Responding to Their Needs Improve Disaster Risk Reduction? Case from Post-Disaster Reconstruction (Operations and Measures) in the Philippines and Sri Lanka Read More »

Typhoon Haiyan Claims Lifetime Loss and Damages for Women in the Philippines

The brochure provides information on how Typhoon Haiyan serves as a primary example of the disproportionate effects of climate change and natural disasters on women. This research addresses the cultural and social norms and the lack of gender-sensitive policies that effect women’s vulnerability to natural disasters and other negative impacts of climate change. Asset Type: …

Typhoon Haiyan Claims Lifetime Loss and Damages for Women in the Philippines Read More »

Risk, Resilience and Responsibilisation Gendered Participation and Empowerment in Informal Settlements of Metro Cebu, the Philippines

In Metro Cebu, calls for creating a more ‘sustainable’ and ‘resilient’ city are also placing urban poor communities in an increasingly precarious position, with those living in areas classed as ‘danger zones’ simultaneously facing intensified pressures of displacement in the name of risk management. Amidst this context of multiple and overlapping forms of risk and …

Risk, Resilience and Responsibilisation Gendered Participation and Empowerment in Informal Settlements of Metro Cebu, the Philippines Read More »

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