PCW Publication

PCW Annual Accomplishment Report 2019

The PCW Accomplishment Report presents the accomplishments and activities of the Philippine Commission on Women in 2019. They are anchored on the Commission’s two primary final outputs: (1) provision of policy services on gender and development (GAD) and (2) provision of GAD technical advisory services. They are also lodged under the Women’s Empowerment and Gender …

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Strengthening Gender Equality in Law: An Analysis of Philippine Legislation

This assessment, Strengthening Gender Equality in Law: An Analysis of Philippine Legislation, examines legislation and case law that may have direct or indirect, as well as intersecting or multiple, discriminatory provisions against women and girls in the Philippines. It makes recommendations for the repeal, reform, or amendment of laws that concern different spheres of their …

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Supporting Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Philippines End-of-Project Report

The Supporting Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) in the Philippines Project or GREAT Women Project 2 was implemented for seven (7) fiscal years from 2015 to 2022. Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-2022 marked the seventh and final year of the project. After encountering roadblocks at the onset of implementation, the project shifted its strategy to the Industry …

Supporting Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Philippines End-of-Project Report Read More »

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