
Connecting Unpaid Care Work and Childhood Development for Gains in Women and Children’s Rights

This policy brief focuses on the unpaid care work and early childhood development, tackling how women’s rights affects children’s rights. Asset Type: Publications Collection: International Organization Subject: Women’s rights, Children’s rights, Unpaid work, Early childhood development, Policy brief Author: Deepta Chopra Publisher: Institute of Development Studies Publication Date: January 2014

Journal of Child Sexual Abuse

This exploratory study investigated group differences and pre-post changes in knowledge, beliefs, and behavior by mandatory reporters and Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) survivor status for a CSA prevention training designed for the general public. Of the 8,114 study participants, 32% identified as having experienced CSA, and 77% indicated they were mandatory reporters for child abuse …

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Trauma Violence Abuse

The forensic examination following rape has two primary purposes: to provide health care and to collect evidence. Physical injuries need treatment so that they heal without adverse consequences. The pattern of injuries also has a forensic significance in that injuries are linked to the outcome of legal proceedings. This literature review investigates the variables related …

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