
Impossible Dream

“The Impossible Dream” is an award-winning animated video produced in 1983. The video takes a “satirical humorous look” at a problem faced by women: the double workload of a full-time job and being a housewife and mother. It features an average family with a baby and school-age children. While both parents have full-time jobs, the …

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We Can Be Violence Free - Shadow Play by El Gamma Penumbra

We Can be Violence-Free – A Shadow Play by El Gamma Penumbra

Produced by PCW in collaboration with 2015 Asia’s Got Talent Grand Winner, EL GAMMA PENUMBRA, this shadow play tackles the flight of VAW-victim survivors and how VAW-free Philippines can be realized. Asset Type: Video Collection: Philippine Commission on Women Subject: Gender-Based Violence, Violence Against Women, VAWfreePH Creator: Philippine Commission on Women Publisher: Philippine Commission on …

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VAW Unspoken Words: Date Rape

Date Rape: The Unspoken Words

VAW: The Unspoken Words is a collection of short films featuring free-verse poetry and images expounding various forms of Violence Against Women or VAW. The collection is intended to become a springboard for discussing the realities and complexities of VAW which to this date, still often go unnoticed, if not trivialized or dismissed. The 2nd …

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