
Country Profile: On Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Rights: Philippines

This country profile is developed by the Likhaan Center for Women’s Health of the Philippines, as part of the initiative, “Strengthening the Networking, Knowledge Management and Advocacy Capacities of an Asia-Pacific Network for SRHR,” with the assistance of the European Union. This project is being implemented in the Philippines by Likhaan, in partnership with the …

Country Profile: On Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Rights: Philippines Read More »

Country Profile: On Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health: Philippines

This country profile is developed by the Likhaan Center for Women’s Health of the Philippines, as part of the initiative, “Strengthening the Networking, Knowledge Management and Advocacy Capacities of an Asia-Pacific Network for SRHR,” with the assistance of the European Union. This project is being implemented in the Philippines by Likhaan, in partnership with the …

Country Profile: On Universal Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health: Philippines Read More »

Contributions of Filipino Women Scientists and Technologists to National Development

This book tackles about the participation of women in scientific and technological activities, highlighting their contributions and the factors that limit their progress. Asset type: Publications Collection: Philippine Commission on Women Subject: Women in Science and Technology, Filipino Women Scientists Author: National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women Publisher: National Commission on the Role …

Contributions of Filipino Women Scientists and Technologists to National Development Read More »

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