From Vulnerable to Empowered – Disaster Risk Education that Matters

This article talks about Center for Environmental Concerns-Philippines (CEC) which has developed its Community-based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) programme in response to the need of building climate and disaster-resilient communities. The trainings of the CBDRM engage learners to analyse their risks and vulnerabilities in order to formulate and implement plans to counter disasters. More importantly, trainings are complemented with programmes in livelihood and organisational development that will help them pursue long-term development. Moreover, the trainings here aim to empower residents to act on threats to their lives and communities by formulating plans to counter disasters, implementing these plans, and strengthening organisational and collective unity. In this way, disaster preparedness trainings become an opportunity for women, youth and senior citizens to take active participation in community affairs.

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:Foreign Publications
Subject:Disaster Risk Management Education, Disaster and Social Justice, Vulnerability, Empowerment
Authors:Rog Amon
Marah Sayaman
Publisher:DVV International
Publication Date:2015

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