Gender Dimension of Climate Change Research in Agriculture Case Studies in Southeast Asia

All case studies featured in the book are driven by a common goal—to help develop and implement gender-sensitive, sustainable CSA R4D interventions in improving climate resiliency and food and nutrition security of vulnerable communities in Southeast Asia. Four of the case studies were conducted in the Climate-Smart Village sites, such as Sri Dasgupta’s study and Tran Nhat Lam Duyen et al.’s research in Tra Hat village in Vietnam; Auni Haapala’s study in Phailom village in Lao PDR; and Magnolia Rosimo’s study in Guinayangan, Quezon province in the Philippines. Other case studies were conducted by Julie Basconcillo in Bulacan, Gerlie Tatlonghari, et al.’s research in Central Luzon and Arma Bertuso in eastern Visayas in the Philippines; by Justin McKinley et al., Tho et al., and Chi et al.’s research in the Mekong River Delta in Vietnam

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:Other Philippine Publications
Subject:Gender Dimension, Climate Changes, Southeast Asia, Agriculture
Author:Thelma Romero Paris
Maria Fay Rola-Rubzen
Publishers:Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)
Climate Change on Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
Publication Date:2019

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