Applying the Tool to Assess Gender Mainstreaming (Book 2)

This is one of the books enclosed in A Guidebook on Gender Mainstreaming: How Far Have We Gone?

Book 1: Rationale Behind Gender Mainstreaming; Book 2: Applying the Tool to Assess Gender Mainstreaming; Book 3: Using the Tool for Gender Mainstreaming.

This guidebook includes the Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF). It tackles programs and provides gender and development practitioners with a holistic view on gender mainstreaming process.

This book is the core of the Guidebook. It describes the GMEF. It identifies the stages of gender mainstreaming and major entry points. A step-by-step guide illustrates how each agency may track and assess the process and status of its gender mainstreaming initiatives using the GMEF tool.

Material Type:Publications
Collection:Philippine Commission on Women
Subject:Gender Mainstreaming, Gender and Development, GAD, Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework, GMEF
Editor:Elena O. Masilungan
Publisher:National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women
Canadian International Development Agency
Year of Publication:2001

Replaced by Enhanced Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework: Handbook and Toolkit. Visit this page.

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