Women’s Protection and Empowerment Advancing the Field: Caring for Child Survivors in Humanitarian Settings

This newsletter discusses the Caring for Child Survivors Initiative which dedicates resources to developing new knowledge, tools, and resources to support field staff working with child survivors in conflict and post-conflict settings. The main goal of the CCS initiative is to develop and pilot a CCS Resource Package to guide field staff on how to conduct case management specific to child sexual abuse cases; implement targeted psychosocial interventions for child survivors of sexual abuse; provide evidence-based mental health treatment proven effective in other populations; involve non-perpetrator family members in the child’s healing and recovery; meet the specific health needs of child survivors, and monitor the quality of service provision.

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:International Organization Publications
Subject:Gender-Based Violence, Sexual Abuse, Child-Abuse, Child Survivor, Psychosocial and Health Intervention
Author:International Rescue Committee, UNICEF
Publisher:International Rescue Committee, UNICEF
Publication Date:No Date

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