GREAT Women Project: Building Women-Led Enterprises Through Gender-Responsive Interventions: Results of Partnership Between PCW-GREAT Women Project and DTI

This case study shares the results of GREAT Women Project interventions in the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). Through the project, DTI, its bureaus and attached agencies, harmonized their programs and services in support of women micro entrepreneurs in the local project sites and developed the Gender-Responsive Value Chain Analysis (GR-VCA) to determine women and men’s roles, profits, opportunities and constraints in the value chain of sub sector enterprises. DTI likewise mainstreamed gender in its organization through influencing the National Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Plan 2010-2016, strengthening its GAD Focal Point System and GAD Plan, among other initiatives.

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:Philippine Commission on Women
Subject:GREAT Women, DTI, Women Empowerment, Gender Responsiveness
Author:GREAT Women Project Management Office
Publisher:Philippine Commission on Women
Publication Date:January 2012

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