Golden Rainbow: Stories of Pain, Grit, Duty and Love of Filipino Older LGBT People

“Golden Rainbow: Stories Of Pain, Grit, Duty And Love Of Filipino Older LGBT People” is a collection of narratives by older lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people living in the Philippines. Produced by EnGendeRights Philippines and Outright International and funded by SAGE USA, this is a first-time Filipino publication about LGBT aging and the impacts of lifelong struggles with discrimination, family violence, lack of schooling, economic precarity, and being deprived of legal protections. “Golden Rainbow” is part of a project called LGBTI Elders Advancing Project, which amplifies the voices and advances the rights of LGBTI elders in Asia. In June 2023, EnGendeRights and Outright released a fact sheet on the lives of older LGBT people in the Philippines. Based on a survey of 103 LGBTI people and 21 individual interviews with LGBTI people ages 50-74, the fact sheet is a companion piece to “Golden Rainbow.” The 13 storytellers in “Golden Rainbow ” were selected from the 103 older LGBTI people who responded to the survey.

Asset Type:Publications
Collection:Other Philippine Publications
Subject:LGBTI, Filipino, SAGE, EnGendeRights, Inc.
Author:Outright International
Publisher:Outright International
Publication Date:2023

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