The Civil Service Reporter: Cover Story – Recognizing Women’s Work in the Civil Service

This article issue hails women’s accomplishments and active role in nation-building. It highlights some of the women awardees of the 2020 and 2021 Search for Outstanding Government Workers, including Dr. Rose Marie Rosete Liquete of the National Kidney and Transplant Institute, the first Filipino woman transplant surgeon; Dr. Flordeliza Bordey of the Philippine Rice Research Institute, a leading rice research and development practitioner, economist and policy advocate; and Ms. Faith Napigkit of the Bayawan Aquaculture Team, a staunch believer of aquaculture’s impact on food security and poverty alleviation.

Asset Type:Publication
Collection:Other Philippine Publications
Subject:GenderSocial DevelopmentGender MainstreamingWomen’s Empowerment, Gender Equality, Economic Development
Author: Civil Service Commission
Publisher:Civil Service Commission
Publication Date:2022

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