Virtual Multi-Stakeholder Sectoral Conference on Gains and Challenges of Gender Mainstreaming: Women’s Economic Empowerment Sector

The Gains and Challenges of Gender Mainstreaming: the PCW and NAPC Sectoral Multi-Stakeholder Conference provided a venue for sharing valuable lessons learned from implementing various programs and projects to address the issues and concerns of the sectors to gather lessons learned from the perspective of key stakeholders. It also gathered the gains and challenges that surfaced and served as inputs for the development of gender-responsive policies, programs, and interventions that are more focused on the grassroots level. The conference recognized the shift from a government-focused gender mainstreaming approach to a multi-sectoral and multi-dimensional approach that harnesses gender mainstreaming efforts of civil society, the academe, international organizations, the private sector, and the grassroots level towards a synergistic and inclusive gender-responsive governance approach.

The Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) sector session provided a platform to discuss women’s challenges and opportunities around the country. It involves presentations from government, non-government, academic, and private institutions. The sector also highlighted exemplary gender mainstreaming practices from the national and community level.

Asset Type:Video
Collection: Philippine Commission on Women
Subject:Gender, Gender Mainstreaming, Social Development, Gender and Development, Women’s Empowerment, Gender-Responsive Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, Plans Policies and Programs, Gender Analysis, Gender Programming, Institutional Mechanisms
Creator: Philippine Commission on Women
Publisher:Philippine Commission on Women
Publication Date:October 18, 2022

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