Impossible Dream

“The Impossible Dream” is an award-winning animated video produced in 1983. The video takes a “satirical humorous look” at a problem faced by women: the double workload of a full-time job and being a housewife and mother. It features an average family with a baby and school-age children. While both parents have full-time jobs, the woman who puts in the same hours as her husband is paid lesser. In addition, caring for the children and all the household duties remain her responsibility. The video has become a popular advocacy and training tool on awakening women and men to gender issues in society that affect the family, workplace, and community.

Asset Type:Video
Collection:International Organizations
Subject:Gender Equality, Human Rights, Unpaid Care Work, Gender Pay Gap
Creator:Studio J. Trnka and Kratky Films, Prague in cooperation with the United Nations
Publisher:United Nations
Publication Date:1983

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