2022 GAD Webinar 5: Beyond Attribution: Use of the HGDG to Mainstream GAD Elements in the Project Development Cycle

The Gender Mainstreaming and Evaluation Framework (GMEF) is one of the tools developed by the Philippine Commission on Women to gauge the level of gender responsiveness of government organizations in the country. This learning session focuses on an in-depth analysis of the GMEF as a tool to measure the extent of gender mainstreaming efforts of organizations, both in NGAs and LGUs. The enhanced GMEF tool has four entry points of gender mainstreaming: Policies, People, Enabling Mechanisms, and Programs/Activities/Projects (PAPs). The session also shares practices of agencies that administered the GMEF for the participants to appreciate and replicate.

Asset Type:Video
Collection:Philippine Commission on Women
Subject:Gender, Gender Mainstreaming
Publisher:Philippine Commission on Women
Publication Date:June 23, 2022

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