2022 GAD Webinar 3: Gender Analysis: Tools and Praxis

Gender analysis is a crucial element in gender mainstreaming. This webinar aims to enhance appreciation of gender analysis as the process of asking essential questions to understand the differences of women and men in terms of gender needs and interests, capabilities, roles and responsibilities, access to and control of resources, benefits, and opportunities as well as constraints to participation and decision-making.

The conceptual building blocks of gender analysis aims to generate an enhanced awareness of the factors behind gender issues and why they persist.

The session discusses gender analysis tools to surface gender issues among women and men, girls and boys in households and communities. It introduces gender analysis tools used to diagnose gender gaps in organizations and influence programs and projects to be gender-responsive.

Asset Type:Video
Collection:Philippine Commission on Women
Subject:Gender, Gender Mainstreaming, Gender and Development, GAD, Gender Analysis, Gender Analysis Tools and Praxis
Publisher:Philippine Commission on Women
Publication Date:May 19, 2022

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